
Choosing Better Plumbing Fixtures

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Choosing Better Plumbing Fixtures

I have never been the kind of person that loves to decorate their home, but when we started planning our first new home build, I got kind of into the process. I decided to choose high-end fixtures that would really set our home apart, and the difference was astounding. It was amazing to see how much nicer the plumbing fixtures operated, and how enjoyable it was to use them. This blog is all about choosing better plumbing fixtures and understanding how to install them on your own. You never know, you might uncover a new skill that will really benefit you in the future.

Why Does My Sewer Keep Backing Up?

Your home has two major plumbing lines: incoming and outgoing. The water line to your house is what delivers all of your water from the city's main water source, while the sewer line that goes away from your house is what takes everything that goes down the drain and flushes it away. If either one of those lines stops working, you could have a real problem on your hands, especially the sewer line.

Signs of Sewer Line Backup

Even though the indications of a backup may be minor at first, if you start noticing anything off, it's best to call a plumber to do some basic sewer repair services. They'll be able to tell you whether what you're facing is a big deal or something that can be taken care of relatively painlessly.

One of the biggest early signs that your sewer line is backing up is the water is draining slowly in your house. One drain going slow could be a problem with just that line, while all your pipes draining slowly could be a sign that you need sewer repair. Also, overflow in one part of your house while you're draining the water out of another part is another indication that you have an issue.

What Causes Sewer Line Backups?

Despite it happening on your property, sewer line backups could be completely outside of your control. The rate of sewer lines that are backing up is rising at a rate of 3% every year, mostly due to old age and use. Alternatively, a neighboring tree's root system may be infiltrating your sewer line, trying to break through your pipes to get at the water it so desperately needs. If that's the case, you may need to get it repaired by getting a new sewer pipe lining installation. These services will help reseal your pipes and make them operate efficiently again

Still, there are other things that you can do to minimize sewer line backups. Watching what you put down the drain — grease, flushable wipes, and oil don't belong in your plumbing system, for example — is a huge first step in protecting your sewer lines. One of the easiest things you can do to prevent these types of issues is to install drain traps throughout your house to catch hair and larger objects from falling down your pipes. 

If your sewer line keeps backing up, it's best to hire a plumber to perform sewer repairs. While it may be costly to perform some major services, it's much more expensive to wait until the backups create water damage inside your home or your yard.